Seed Starting mix is just what you need if you are planning to start a garden this year, Chances are you want to plant all the things! 🤗 🌱🌶🥬🍅 Instead of buying pre-made seed starting mix, I decided to make my own seed starting mix because it’s more affordable. Its a mix of OMRI listed organic ingredients to make a wonderful mix.
The recipe I used is:
4 parts peat moss
2 parts perlite
1 part vermiculite
0.5 part worm castings
Fertilizer (optional) if you plan to transplant within a month of starting seed, you can forgo fertilizer as the seed has all the nutrition it needs to germinate.
This is perfect for starting seeds because it’s so light. If you do buy prepackaged soil, be sure to sift out any large pieces with 1/4” hardware cloth before planting seeds. Tip: Wash last years trays and cells in warm water and a small amount of bleach, this will ensure that you disinfect. I like using these big bins to make cleaning easy. Also, always water mix before adding seeds! Once planted, water trays from the bottom or with a mister to avoid displacing your seeds. Plastic covers will keep it nice and humid for germination. Once my seeds are planted, I place them on these silver racks with a grow light attached right above them. Check out this quick reel I made to catch each step!
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